
Here's the walkthrough for chapter 1 of Hell's Gate. May contain spoilers.


After reaching the crossroad, walk left. You will see a bridge and a hut.

Pick up the rope resting on the wooden crates outside the hut before entering it.

Read the open book on the table. Pick up the empty bottle by the curtains.

Interact with the big cage. It will ask for a password. Find the password by walking up from the crossroad, past the cemetery and into the glade with the angel statue. Look at the empty pedestals to find the password. The password is INTRUDER.

Use the empty bottle on the angel statue. Speak to her.

Walk back to the crossroad. Walk right to the farms.

Pick up the shovel leaning against the house. Use the rope on the well and climb inside. Pick up the knife from the corpse. Climb out.

Talk to the scarecrow. Walk back to the cemetery. Use the shovel on the right grave. The right grave is DAVID.

Walk back to the scarecrow and give him his gold watch. Take the golden pumpkin.

Walk back to the witch hut. Use the bottle of tears, golden pumpkin and the knife on the cauldron.

Walk back to the farm. Use the witch potion on the river. Cross the river.

A chase will start. Keep running right until the chase ends.

After the cutscene, walk right from the ruins until you reach a bridge. Pick up the girl statue.

Return to the angel statue. Put down the boy statue on the left pedestal, the girl statue on the right. Talk to the angel statue. Enter the new passage that opens up.

Interact with the sleeping monster and watch the cutscene. Attack the monster by pressing C. Climb up the ladder.

Walk into the train station. Walk into the ticket booth and pick up the old rag from the closet. Look at the plaque with the pyramid shape.

Exit the train station and enter the metal door to the electric shack. Use the rag on the water. Turn on the switch.

Exit the shack and climb down the ladder, back into the underground passage. Enter the new shortcut that opened up and it will take you to a pyramid.

Look at the shapes on each corner of the pyramid. Count the layers to get 6 numbers from 1-3. The plaque from the ticket booth tells you which order the numbers will be in.

Walk back to the ticket booth and use this code on the drawer. The code is 322113.

Exit the train station and onto the platform. A train will arrive. Give the conductor your tickets and enter the train.

After you're finished exploring the train, talk to Aleksi. After the cutscene a boss fight starts.

Interact with the fire extinguisher. Attack the slug once. Interact with the pile of luggage. Attack the slug once.

Wait for a bit. Aleksi will stun the slug and you can deal the finishing blow.

This is the end of chapter 1.



Here's how to find all 13 deaths.

  1. After reaching the crossroad, walk back down. Interact with the big flower.
  2. Outside the witch hut, interact with the moving vine.
  3. Inside the hut, interact with the curtains.
  4. In the cemetery, dig up Kim or Darla.
  5. In the cemetery, dig up Joane, Darcy or Dean. (There's 2 different grave death animations.)
  6. Take the golden pumpkin before helping the scarecrow.
  7. Cross the river before using the witch potion on it.
  8. Walk to the top of the pyramid and read the "Watch the sky" sign.
  9. Let the slug catch you, either during the chase or the boss fight.
  10. During the slug chase, run left instead of right.
  11. At the broken bridge, interact with the edge and try to jump.
  12. In the electric shack, turn on the switch before drying the water. Walk into the puddle.
  13. Walk into the train tunnel. Try to leave by going down. 


If anything is unclear, don't be afraid to ask

Get Hell's Gate: Chapter 1

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